Welp, that's over. Now what?
I had the dream, I followed a plan, executed my event, closed the door on it for the year. Now what?
People have asked me what I'm doing now that EmpowHer is over. Heck, I've asked myself that. Do I have plans for another conference? Yes. Do I have dreams of hosting other events throughout the year? Yes. And SO much more!
But what do you do after you're "big thing" is achieved?
Some people might read that and think, "Oh big deal, you accomplished the thing you wanted to do all along. Just be happy it happened." But for anyone who is like me that works hard towards a goal for so long, what I'm feeling right now is a little confusing to explain. I've been wondering what to do next, where to go from here, why I need to do something else, what to do "in the meantime." And sometimes, once you're over the hurdle it can seem even scarier than it was when you were working towards your dream. Because now, there's this long road in front of you and you're not sure where the destination is. Which direction are you supposed to go? How long should you stay on the road? How fast should you drive? Do you need to watch for an exit and change course?
Ok, ok. Enough driving analogies. But you get the point. Where do you go from here?
My plan for now is to look forward to my next annual conference. That is a sure thing that I can start planning and securing all the details for.
In the meantime... I will pray.
Once I figured that out, it seemed pretty obvious. "Uh duh, Courtney. Give it to God. He'll tell you what to do just like He did last time." Right? I hope so. I have faith that what I am meant to do next will be revealed to me. It might not look like what I think it does. And trust me, I've had some wild ideas and suggestions!
You should start a podcast!
I could see you being an influencer.
Definitely pursue this full-time! It's a no brainer.
Cue all my fidgeting and nervous laughter.
We'll see where this goes, but for now I will pray. I ask that you pray for me as well, and if you feel so called to ask the same of me, please reach out. I would love to pray for you too.
XO, Courtney